How Clean Air Partnership in Canada is Fighting for Cleaner Air Everywhere

Clean Air Partnership in Canada

Who do you call when you have a community problem that you want to be solved?  

You most likely contact your local government. Therefore, it plays a key role in the fight for cleaner air. Not only does it have insight into community-specific air quality issues—it also has the legislative power to solve them. However, air quality isn’t always the top priority. As such, air quality programs don't always get the attention they need.  

To bring back focus to Canada’s air quality, the Clean Air Partnership in Canada was established.

We’re always interacting with our PurpleAir Community to see what kinds of projects are going on. Together, we’re cultivating a community and empowering members with the data they need to tackle air pollution all over the world.  

Because at PurpleAir, we believe in making air quality knowledge accessible to everyone.  

And we’re not alone in that mission.  

Today, we’re excited to discuss Clean Air Partnership as it brings municipalities together to decrease air pollution in Canada.

What is Clean Air Partnership in Canada?  

Clean Air Partnership (CAP) is a registered charity organization that works closely with municipalities to help communities become more environmentally sustainable and resilient. One of its main objectives is to improve air quality in Canada as well as minimize air pollution.  

CAP achieves this by:  

  • Consulting with air quality researchers, scientists, health professionals, academia, and other experts on possible solutions to air pollution.  
  • Sharing the latest air quality research and community-specific air quality data.  
  • Recommending air quality initiatives, projects, programs, and policies.  
  • Collaborating with non-government organizations, community organizations, and volunteer groups to launch air quality-related projects.  
  • Conducting workshops, webinars, and other events to raise awareness and discuss solutions to air quality issues.  

The History of Clean Air Partnership  

While air pollution has a long history, it was only in 2000 that studies proved its impact on human health. This prompted the creation of the Clean Air Council (CAC). CAC unites more than 39 municipalities and health units to act for cleaner air.  

But the council soon realized that there were many inefficiencies in air quality policymaking. More often than not, decision-makers tend to start their research from scratch even if the data already exists. So, CAC established its secretariat organization, the Clean Air Partnership.  

As such, CAP seeks to optimize the policymaking process so that Canada can have more effective air quality laws and regulations. 

Climate Action Atlas’s interactive map of all the air quality initiatives in Canada

How Clean Air Partnership is Fighting for Cleaner Air in Canada 

With air pollution contributing to 4 million deaths worldwide, CAP is pursuing solutions to air pollution in Canada. One of which is by developing online tools that make air quality policies and projects more accessible.  

Below are 3 of the latest tools that CAP launched:

  1. Climate Implications Repository is a one-stop shop that monitors the environmental implications of municipal projects, policies, and programs.  
  2. Climate Action Atlas lists 200+ air quality initiatives taken by municipalities. It also has an interactive map that showcases the locations of each initiative.  
  3. Municipal Climate Decision Calendar provides information on the upcoming council and committee meetings on air quality. This encourages accountability and participation while helping the community stay informed on municipal decisions.  

In addition, CAP has also organized 57 webinars and workshops, published 12 briefing notes, and posted 17 blogs in 2022 alone.  

One of its most notable publications is Advancing Energy Labeling in the Residential Sector – A Guide for Canadian Municipalities. It reports how home energy labeling can boost the demand for energy-saving alternatives. In doing so, individuals can minimize their carbon emissions and help improve air quality.  

Centre for Active Transportation (TCAT) is another significant project by CAP. It aims to build safer and more inclusive streets for city walking and cycling. In return, cities are becoming more environmentally and economically sustainable.  

We love this story because the Clean Air Partnership shows that governments aren’t the only ones who can create change. Individuals working together towards the shared goal of improving air quality are just as powerful. They can push for better policies, help improve research, and even transform cities. 

Get Involved Yourself  

At PurpleAir, there are tons of community projects going on around the world. We’re thrilled to see these kinds of collaborative efforts, and we look forward to seeing plenty more in the future. Are you working on a community project with PurpleAir’s air quality monitors? 

We would love to hear about it. Share a post in the Community Project forum so we can highlight your work. Together, we can make air quality accessible for everyone.